Late 1990s with Vinny Raffa, dead endustries and nSS Nice Skate Shoes

Circa 1998, I had a website, dead endustries, with skateboard legend, Vinny Raffa. His stickers cover the entire New York tri-state area. Raffa owned dead endustries, worked with nSS (nice skate shoes), War Boards and many other skateboard-related companies.

Here’s a photo dump from industry parties. Jeff Pang, Eric Eggers, Vinny Raffa, Ben Ritacco, John Connors (Dog Eat Dog).

More to come…

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Eddie Trunk’s 40th Anniversary Jam was Amazing #ET40

Last night, the House of Blues in Mandalay Bay Las Vegas cialis hosted maybe the best music event I’ve ever seen. Mike Portnoy managed to top Eddie’s 30th Anniversary.

Eddie Trunk’s 40th Year in Radio All-Star Jam was attended by prednisone tons of rock legends, some performed, some watched.

There were so many musicians just hanging ambien usa out. The setlist kept changing. Not included in the setlist was Jackyl’s Jesse James Dupree who performed Sin City.

Pat Travers performed get antabuse Snortin’ Whiskey. Eddie Trunk and Danny Koker got a glass of Whiskey and actually snorted it.

Michael Anthony played bass on Alice Cooper’s School’s Out.

Sebastian Bach covered Rush’s Tom Sawyer.

Andrew Dice Clay couldn’t attend so he sent a video.

Ace Frehley was slurring. Bitched about the sound. Asked if Criss Angel cheap amoxil would be pulling a rabbit out of his ass. Ace was awesome. Lots of other musicians were filming him. Eddie asked him about Kiss continuing to tour as avatars. Ace didn’t want to comment and piss off Gene and Paul.

Some people at the event:

  • Brad Willis – Queensryche
  • Johnny 5
  • Kip Winger
  • Dean DeLeo – STP
  • Brian Slagel
  • Don Jamieson
  • Danny Koker
  • Sum 41
  • Criss Angel
  • Craig Gass
  • Bumblefoot
  • DJ Ashba
  • Wendy Dio
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Kix Plays Cult Classic Brewing

On August 19th, I got the opportunity to see one of the last few performances of the band Kix. It took place in the parking lot of the Cult Classic Brewery (great beer and food) getting prednisone in Stevensville, Maryland. It was previously an A&P supermarket so this parking lot was big.

Their Walkin’ Away tour wraps up Sunday, September 17th at the Merriweather Post Pavilion in Columbia Maryland.

I grew up ambien listening to these guys and will sorely miss them.

The show was amazing, as well as the opening band, Stone Horses.

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Apple Tice’s Corner Store Has Officially Reopened

After several months of renovations, one of the clomid usa original Apple Stores, Tice’s Corner, has officially reopened. The doors opened sharply at 10am after a brief countdown.

This Woodcliff Lake, New Jersey store features the first Apple AirTag display. It will act as a prototype for other stores.

There was no free SWAG at this reopening.

Other highlights:

  1. Ceilings are covered in fabric to reduce noise.
  2. iPhone case drawers resemble bank vault drawers. They were first featured at Apple Upper East Side (because it used to be a bank).
  3. Arcade display is interactive. Touch each app screen to see a demo and scan a QR code to download the app.
  4. Tables stromectol online in the far back are used for presentations. The tables actually exude sound from the center so you can always hear the person presenting.
  5. There are two accutane online tables for genius bar appointments. The tables use heat recognition to open the outlet panel. Swipe your hand next to the panel to open and close (see video).
  6. Front doors are now automatic.
  7. There is a pickup area on the back wall.
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American Dream Apple Store is Now Open

Today, the Apple Store at the American Dream mall had its grand opening. American Dream, located in East Rutherford, New Jersey, is the second largest mall in the United States.

Apple Store American Dream

The store provigil was scheduled to open at 11am, but they opened a few minutes early. Apple always gives a free gift to attendees (shirts, books, posters). This time, it was a tote bag with the Apple logo. It didn’t have the location which is unusual. Seemed rather generic.

There were 100 people in line when it opened. The line grew as more and more mall-goers noticed the get xanax line.

Many employees from other Apple locations cut the line. I’ve seen this a lot in New York City. One guy will be in line, then his coworkers show up and join him. The entitled people behind me were from the Willowbrook Mall location.

I got introduced to Craig, Apple’s “Market Leader.” He’s been at Apple ten years and has been part of all the Apple Store openings in the area.

An American Dream Apple Store employee told me this is the only order zithromax new Apple Store in the US this year.

Apple Store American Dream mall opens its doors
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Bryan Cranston & Aaron Paul Visit Paramus NJ

Bryan Cranston Aaron Paul
Bryan Cranston Aaron Paul at soma Dos Hombres Signing

Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul of Breaking Bad (and more) fame were at Stew Leonard’s in Paramus, New Jersey ativan today to promote their Mezcal, Dos Hombres. Stew Leonard’s started taking Dos Hombres pre-orders a few weeks back and quickly sold out. There were over 200 people in the queue to get their bottles signed.

They arrived at 9:15am after spending the previous evening bar-hopping all over soma New York City.

Stew Leonard’s was super-organized and kept the line moving.

Bryan and Aaron shook everyone’s hands, thanked them for coming and posed for photographs.

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Tim Cook and Other Apple Execs at Fifth Avenue Grand Reopening

Today, some of Apple’s top brass (Tim Cook, Phil Schiller, Greg Joswiak and Deirdre O’Brien) were on-hand for the grand reopening of the Apple Fifth Avenue store in New York City.  It’s also the launch day of the iPhone 11. I’ve never seen Schiller and Joswiak at an East Coast Apple Store so this was a rare appearance. They spoke briefly with reporters before entering the store via one of the two new side entranceways.  I never saw them again.
Tim Cook greeted people in line.  He was super-friendly and charismatic.  He and Deirdre opened the doors when the phone went on sale at 8am.  I later saw him in the store posing for selfies and having conversations with fans/customers.
getting amoxil
Deirdre was in the store speaking with customers all day.  She genuinely cares about the retail operations.  And apparently she likes dogs (see below).
antabuse online
The new store is beautiful.  There are hypoallergenic trees which each originated from the same tree (an employee told me).  Off to the side is an Experience Room.  It’s one of only three in the world.  It simulates a room in your home so you can hear accurate acoustics. You sit on couches positioned in front of HomePod speakers and a flat screen television.

When I left, there was still a long line.  I haven’t seen a line this long for a product launch in years.  Later that afternoon, I went to the Grand Central store.  Equally long line.
The photos and video below are available to media outlets for purchase.  Contact us via the link on the side.


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Marcal Paper Plant Fire Elmwood Park, New Jersey

The iconic Marcal paper plant in Elmwood Park, New Jersey caught fire this evening.


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Beastie Boys Live in New York City

On Monday, I had the privilege of seeing Adam Horovitz and Michael Diamond (Ad-Rock and Mike D) of the Beastie Boys at Town Hall in New York City.  They were promoting their new book, Beastie Boys Book.
Earlier that day, I arrived to see merchandise and their books being delivered.  I also saw set pieces being unloaded.
After being let into Town Hall, the line for exclusive merchandise filled the entire venue.  I went upstairs to check out the Beastie Boys exhibit.  There were display cases full of rare items.  It overwhelmed the senses.  The Sonos company had records that were sampled on the Beastie Boys albums that people could play.  Sonos also had a complementary Beastie Boys playlist poster.

In the audience was their family, Jimmy Fallon, Murray Hill, Champagne Jerry, a member of Twenty One Pilots and the crew from MCA Day.
It was a great, well-produced show.  It consisted of readings from the book, Adam and Mike riffing back-and-forth, photos and videos, as well as the awesome Mixmaster Mike spinning classics in-between.

It was funny, deep and emotional.
This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and I’m so glad I was there.

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Bees Shut Down 43rd Street Times Square

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