ACDC Rock or Bust Listening Party

Columbia Records and AC/DC did a really cool thing.  They had a listening party for their new album, Rock or Bust, which doesn’t even come out for two weeks.  Anyone who signed up on the TicketWeb site got into the event (which was at Webster Hall in NYC) for free.

Everyone also received free Bud Lite beer, an AC/DC Rock or Bust t-shirt and a collectible laminate. There were also contests for signed posters, tattoos and a signed electric guitar.  Unfortunately, there was no food.  People had been waiting since 3pm.  We were starved.

Gary Baba Booey Dell’Abate from the Howard Stern Show did a great job hosting, although he seemed really nervous.

They showed a film about the making of the music video, played every album track and later on Angus Young, Brian Johnson and their record producer, Brendan O’Brian came out to speak about the album.  They were very difficult to understand.

Other than the tool that hit me in the head/soaked me with his beer, it was a great night.

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