Category Archives: Breaking News

David Letterman Set Teardown Day 2

On Friday, the aggressive teardown of the David Letterman set at the Ed Sullivan Theater continued.  In the morning, Paul Shaffer’s Late Show Band’s set was been sliced into pieces using a jigsaw so it could fit in the dumpster.   Meanwhile, crews started bringing in building supplies to begin work on Stephen Colbert’s set.

By late afternoon, the studio was empty.  You couldn’t even tell the Letterman show once filmed there.  Employees were still packing up their keepsakes.  Very sad.

David Letterman Set Teardown

The David Letterman show wasted no time dismantling Dave’s set.  Some items were packed up and put on Moishe moving trucks.  Shockingly, they threw out the city scape that was seen behind Dave every night.  Why didn’t they donate it to charity or to a museum?

They also threw out every seat in the Ed Sullivan theatre.  I guess there will be new seats for Stephen Colbert.  I hear Joey Boots fetched one.

Businessmen in suits spent the afternoon dumpster-diving.

Final Episode of Late Show with David Letterman Celebrity Arrivals

It’s a sad, sad day in New York City.  David Letterman goes off the air tonight.

Today, we captured the onslaught of celebrity arrivals for the final taping.

Chris Rock, Steve Martin, Peyton Manning, Jim Carrey, Barbara Walters, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Tina Fey, Jerry Seinfeld.

The after party was at the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA).

DMC Joins Jackyl at Starland Ballroom @jessejackyl @THEKINGDMC @eddietrunk @starlandNJ

Friday night, Sayreville, New Jersey’s Starland Ballroom hosted That Metal Show Live.  It’s not televised.  It’s a chance for Don Jamieson and Jim Florentine to perform stand-up and for Eddie Trunk to tell stories, as well as for fans to Stump the Trunk.

All three of them interviewed Jesse James Dupree (Jackyl frontman).  Afterwards, Jackyl was scheduled to perform a full show.

During the interview, they mentioned that a special guest who lives nearby will be coming out to perform with Jackyl.  Shortly after 11PM, Jesse welcomed Darryl McDaniels, DMC of RUN DMC.  DMC has recorded at Jesse’s recording studio and has performed at the Full Throttle Saloon in Sturgis.

DMC and Jackyl busted out awesome, super-rocked-out versions of the RUN DMC classics It’s Tricky and Walk this Way. Who knew Jesse could rap?!?!

Jackyl performed past midnight.  This was a great show!

Jumper Makes a Splash on Broadway

Shortly after lunch today, NYPD got a report that someone spotted a body behind the ‘Ripley’s Believe it or Not’ billboard on New York’s 42nd street.  I gathered my facts from bystanders on the street, as well as facts from the Daily News.

The Daily News claims that on Tuesday someone saw a person jump, hit the Ripley’s sign and fall behind it.  They also claim they’ve been looking for the jumper for two days.  I suspect they got their facts wrong.

Story I got was that someone spotted the body behind the sign today, the Hilton hotel checked the security camera, saw that the person had jumped Tuesday.

Police offers draped a black sheet to block the view from onlookers.

In October, a man tried to jump from this very same observation deck, but ultimately negotiators talked him off the ledge.  No idea if this is the same person they found today.