Category Archives: Breaking News

Bees Shut Down 43rd Street Times Square


WWF wrestling legend, Nikolai Volkoff, passed away this weekend.  He was 70.

Here are photos I took in 1985 and 1986 at Brendan Byrne Arena in East Rutherford, New Jersey.

Toys R Us Corporate Campus Drive Through and Liquidation Sale

Greedy, evil financiers took out a $5 billion loan to purchase the best toy store that ever was and ever will be, Toys R Us.  There was no way Toys R Us would be able to repay this loan.  It was designed to fail and it did.

At present, they are liquidating everything in their Wayne, New Jersey corporate campus.  I decided to take a drive through the campus. The place is massive and beautiful.  It’s located on a lake and is an animal sanctuary of sorts.  The building is so big that there are maps inside so people don’t get lost.

The company they hired to liquidate has been clearing out offices as people leave the company.  They keep finding stuff in closets and whatnot.  Mostly junk.  I saw them trying to sell a pair of boots someone left under their desk.  No bargains.

Must have been a neat place to work with all those toys around.

Employees from around the world have been taking road trips to possibly obtain any keepsake of the company to which they dedicated their lives.

The liquidation was supposed to be finished by the end of June, but it has been extended into July.

Here is video of the drive through, as well as some photos from the sale.  The sale actually takes place in the cafeteria.

As a Toys R Us kid, this is absolutely heartbreaking.  I hope they don’t build condos.

Vote for Kid Kelly #WIN5000VOTEKID

I started listening to Kid Kelly on Z-100 when I was in High School.

His show was fantastic.  It was a big party.  Little did I know that it was just Kid Kelly and one other guy (Tom) in a tiny studio in the swamps of Secaucus, New Jersey.

I called in every night to request a song for the nightly countdown.  He must have liked me because he used me night after night.  He actually had me change my name and location so people wouldn’t realize it was this same kid again.

He made me want to become a Disc Jockey.  He quickly corrected me.  “Anyone can be a disc jockey. I’m an air personality.”  Kid was right.  There was no one out there like him.

Kid was the number one show in New York City.  He was the highest paid air personality in New York City…the number one market.  

He was the hardest working man in radio. 

Kid soon had a syndicated radio show Backtrax USA which could be heard around the world.  He explained to me that he put “USA” because other countries love American entertainment.

I never went into radio.  Never became an Air Personality.  We’ve kept in touch over the years.  He’s a nice guy and always willing to offer advice.

Kid Kelly has been nominated for the Radio Hall of Fame.  Voting starts June 4th.  It’s a fan vote so let’s all vote.

To sweeten the pot he’s offering a $5k prize.


Murr of Impractical Jokers at Red Lobster

James Murray from Impractical Jokers was at Red Lobster in Times Square today.  Murr was hired by the company to promote their Lobsterfest.  He gave away gift cards, jokers bobble heads, action figures, his book and stickers.  In addition, he took selfies with anyone that wanted one. If you had gotten there early and were seated, Red Lobster comp’d your meal.  He was there for 3 hours.