Tag Archives: nss

Rare 1990s Images from Vinny Raffa of dead endustries and Nice Skate Shoes Fame

Circa 1998, I had a website, dead endustries, with skateboard legend, Vinny Raffa. His stickers cover the entire New York tri-state area. Raffa owned dead endustries, worked with nSS (nice skate shoes), War Boards and many other skateboard-related companies.

Here’s a photo dump from industry parties. Jeff Pang, Eric Eggers, Vinny Raffa, Ben Ritacco, John Connors (Dog Eat Dog).

Fun fact: Vinny and I spotted Andy Dick upstairs at the Spy Bar. When Andy was leaving, we followed him out. Raffa asked for photos, but Andy ignored him. Raffa starts shouting at Andy as he walked away.

Then, the Spy Bar bouncer wouldn’t let us back inside because Fridge Magazine had only paid for a certain number of hours…and the party was over. We argued that “we were just in there.” Bouncer didn’t care so a bunch of the guys just stood outside smoking green.

On the way home, Raffa stops to put stickers all over the Chris Rock Show building. He winds up cutting his hand on the newspaper machine.

More to come…

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