Category Archives: Breaking News

I Guess this Guy Doesn’t Like Candy

Last Friday, I was walking back from lunch and I see this nut job (let’s call him Candy Hater) knocking candy all over the 42nd Street sidewalk. The poor Indian owner of the newspaper stand kept yelling “Stop It!,” but he wouldn’t stop.

In the video, you see some woman buy something while all this is going on. It didn’t faze her at all. But hey, this is New York City.

Candy Hater noticed me filming which got him to stop. He started following me. Then, we got face-to-face. Candy Hater repeatedly told me to delete my video, “you faggot ass niggar.”

After a few seconds, he got tired of yelling and walked away…walked away in and out of moving traffic.

There wasn’t a single cop to be found on one of the most tourist-filled spots in the world.

Thanks to Mayor Bill DeBlasio for nothing.

Crazy Guy Yells at Good Day New York News Crew at Star Wars Opening

This is great. Anna Gilligan and the camera man are in the Fox News Good Day New York van covering the Star Wars release at the AMC Theatre on 42nd Street. Crazy guy starts screaming at them about I don’t know what.

Anna, who was tweeting, waved hello thinking he was a fan. Then she was trying to wave him away. He got more hostile as he was smoking his cigarette. He demanded to be let in the van.

Ultimately, they shut the van door and Anna hid in the back until he left.

There wasn’t a single cop around…even though it’s a popular street and this was a high profile film release.

Welcome to New York City.

Apple iPhone 6s Fifth Avenue Release

We were at Apple’s Fifth Avenue flagship store Friday morning for the launch of the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus. Massive crowd. Not as much much press as last year because the major networks were covering the pope. Only crazy story is some weird guy was trying to get an Apple Store employee to relay an idea for an invention to Tim Cook.

Updated2: PSEG Substation Fire Waldwick New Jersey

At 10am today, the PSEG substation in Waldwick New Jersey exploded.  Many of surrounding streets and towns have been evacuated.

Foam truck arrived, but when I left was still struggling to get it under control.